Harrowing video footage has emerged of a reluctant teenage suicide bomber weeping in terror seconds before he blows himself up.
A fellow jihadi can be heard trying to reassure Jafar al-Tayyar as he sits trembling in a vehicle packed with explosives.
He says: “Jafar, my brother, don’t be afraid. When you are scared, remember Allah.”
The young fanatic from Uzbekistan sobs: “I’m just scared I won’t succeed.”
Then he drives the open-top armoured car into a besieged Syrian village and detonates its deadly cargo, sending a huge pall of smoke into the air.
The haunting pictures shed a terrifying new light on claims suicide bombers go to their death willingly.
The video begins with Tayyar being hugged by several militants loyal to the Uzbek-led Imam Bukhari Jamaat group which fights alongside al-Qaeda.
Unable to grow a beard, the teenager appears far younger than his fellow jihadis who smile and pat him on the back.
The cameraman prompts him to raise his right index finger in a gesture used by fighters to signify “Allah is the highest”.
Looking around him, the young terrorist appears to realise he is just moments from death and bursts into tears, sobbing as fellow militants insist he carry out the attack and do their best to reassure him.
The clip then cuts to Tayyar driving off and blowing himself up, sending a huge mushroom cloud high into the air. After the explosion, other fighters storm the besieged villages Fua and Kafriyeh.
Separate footage of the attack was filmed with a small drone flown by the al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front with whom Imam Bukhari Jamaat are aligned.
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