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    Open Heavens 02 November 2015: Is Your Love For God Proven? — Pastor E. A. Adeboye

    Memorise: He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. 1st John 4:8

    Read: 2nd Timothy 4:7-8,
    7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
    8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing

    If you can prove to God that you truly love Him, you will provoke greater love and great blessings in return. After Paul showed God how much he loved Him, not only did God perform special miracles through him while he was still alive (Acts 19:11), God also showed him glorious crown awaiting him in Heaven. How great and awesome it is to see the reward reserved for you in Heaven. Some of us desire to have this experience. While this is a good desire, the question is: have you demonstrated your love for God beyond all reasonable doubt? In fact, God made Paul aware of the time he would finish his Christian race; death did not come to him as a surprise. There are so many things that you may not have easy access to as a believer in Christ until you prove to God that you love Him unconditionally, willingly and sacrificially.

    Solomon is another person who demonstrated his love for God. He did this by giving a powerful, record-setting offering. This moved God to give him a blank cheque, so that he could ask for whatever he desired. He asked for an understanding heart that would enable him govern God’s people successfully. God granted him his request and gave him even much more. In other words, if you can prove you love for God, even when you do not know what to ask for, God will give you what you need and much more.

    God loves you and me. He showed this when Jesus died in our place on the cross of Calvary, to save us from eternal death that awaited us as the just retribution for our sins. Jesus never sinned. He was the only One who lived on earth without sinning, yet He willingly gave up His righteous, spotless and sinless life for us so that we will no longer perish. 1st Peter 3:18 says:
    “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:”

    If you accept His love today, all your sins will be washed away from the record books by His Blood. You will then become a child of God. But if you reject His love, you may be inviting eternal wrath and damnation to yourself. Give your life to Jesus today. If you are already born-again, ask for grace to live Him more. You can have the best that God has reserved for you by showing Him how much you love Him. Show it through obedience to Him, consecration and sacrificial giving. Let nothing be too much for you to give to God; after all, He gave you all that you have, and He owns the blessings you will yet receive.

    Key Point: God establishes your love for Him through the small and big tests you face.

    Bible in one year: Deuteronomy 19:1-21:14; Philippians 2
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    Item Reviewed: Open Heavens 02 November 2015: Is Your Love For God Proven? — Pastor E. A. Adeboye Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Blessing
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