Oscar Pistorius dressed the naked dead body of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp after shooting her dead on Valentine's day three years ago, an explosive new book claims
Forensic experts say that the black vest top Miss Steenkamp was wearing when police arrived at the scene does not have holes matching her bullet wounds and very little blood on it.
In addition, they question the presence of black bin liners and tape, which Pistorius later claimed had been intended to use to soak up blood from the scene.
The claims have been made by brothers Calvin and Thomas Mollett in their new book Oscar vs The Truth after studying evidence and conducting their own tests for over a year. Forensic experts say that the black vest top Miss Steenkamp was wearing when police arrived at the scene does not have holes matching her bullet wounds and very little blood on it.
In addition, they question the presence of black bin liners and tape, which Pistorius later claimed had been intended to use to soak up blood from the scene.
Not enough damage: Forensic experts say the damage to the vest does not match the bullet wounds on Reeva Steenkamp's body, and the top ought to have been soaked in blood had she worn it when she was shot |
'There is absolutely no sign of any hole in the vest resulting from the bullet wound to her hip – and the vest is a long one ,' Thomas Mollett told The Sun.
'There is no sign of the bullet that struck her chest. And there is very little blood on the vest and it would have been really soaked with blood if she'd been wearing it at the time of the shooting.'
CCTV of Miss Steenkamp arriving at Pistorius house shows her wearing a black vest top, however the Mollett brothers state the state of the top after her death is evidence he dressed her after he shot her dead.
The Mollett brothers also point to the presence of a bundle of black bin bags and tape, seen lying next to Miss Steenkamp's dead body in a forensic photograph from the scene.
Scene of horror: This photograph shows the blood-soaked bathroom where Oscar Pistorius shot his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in the toilet cubicle (top) with his 9mm pistol (seen lying on a bathmat, right) and the blood-splattered cricket bat (bottom right). Forensics experts Calvin and Thomas Mollett claim that marks on the ripped and blood-covered handle of the bat suggest there was a struggle between the pair |
If confirmed, their evidence would cement the prosecution's case that Pistorius gunned down Miss Steenkamp in a fit of rage during a late-night row after she had locked herself in the toilet cubicle.
The athlete claimed he fired four times through the closed door in self-defence fearing a burglar was about to jump out at him.
He told his trial that when he realised it was his girlfriend, he used the cricket bat to smash down the door to try to save her.
And if you believe that, there's some great swamp land in Florida for cheap.......or how's that story go????