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    The Killer Midget And The Stunted Dwarf — Femi Fani-Kayode Jnr

    This is an article written by Femi Fani Kayode Jnr. Please read on...

    "Not a single soul has been prosecuted, let alone jailed for the genocide in Southern Kaduna and you are blaming someone for preaching self defense? You are INSANE. Yes, INSANE"- Olufemi Korode, Twitter, 24th January 2017.

    Can anyone dispute the fact that Mr. Korode is right? Are those that say that Christians should not defend themselves or complain when they are being slaughtered not completely insane?

    The truth is that had it not been for the fact that eight more innocent and defenceless people were butchered by Fulani militants in Samaru Kataf, Southern Kaduna on 17th January, that six young students of the College of Education, Gidan Waya, Southern Kaduna were massacred on 23rd January and that twenty innocent souls, including women and children, were slaughtered by the same pack of beastly savages in the village of Ohimini in Benue state on that same day I may not have written this piece.

    Yet I am constrained to do so because the animals in human flesh and Islamist demons that are on the rampage in Kaduna state and indeed all over the country have not satisfied their lust for Christian blood and their carnage persists. As a matter of fact the cancer is spreading.

    When you add the thirty four that were murdered in the last few days to the 808 innocent souls that were killed by the same creatures on Christmas eve and Christmas day you cannot come to any other conclusion than the fact that this is genocide and that it is time to resist it.

    Unfortunately some do not wish to hear that. They would prefer the people of Southern Kaduna to continue to be the sacrificial lambs that they have always been. Permit me to share just one example of their mindset here.

    In reaction to the suggestion that the people of Southern Kaduna ought to defend themselves from mass murder and genocide given the fact that the state government has refused to protect them, Mallam Uba Sani, a four foot dwarf and the political advisor to Kaduna state's dimunitive Midget-in-Chief, Governor Nasir El Rufai, wrote the following in Thisday and a number of other newspapers:
    ''The greatest challenge to peace in Kaduna State now is the antics of political jobbers and opportunists who have gone as low as spreading hate speeches; telling communities in Kaduna State to “defend themselves.” This, of course, is an unmistakable call on the people of Kaduna State to procure arms and ammunitions and start killing themselves. This is not just very low but extremely dangerous. This call on the citizenry to take the laws into their own hands totally undermines all on-going efforts to achieve lasting peace in Kaduna State.''
    These are strong words from the dwarf who appears to be expressing the frustration, angst and cold rage of his employer, the Chief Midget.

    Instead of showing remorse for their woeful failures and begging for forgiveness for the oceans of innocent blood that has been shed under their watch, the government of Kaduna State is lashing out at those of us that have called them out and that are deeply concerned about the annihilation and decimation of human life and sheer carnage that is taking place in Southern Kaduna.

    The dwarf pours scorn on the suggestion that a man should protect his family, loved ones and home from cold-blooded murderers who are attempting to maim and kill them.

    He is suggesting that the people of Southern Kaduna should keep quiet, fold their arms and happily welcome, with a warm smile, those that have come to rape their wives, slaughter their children, burn their homes, wipe out their faith and possess their land. Is that how to make Kaduna great again?

    Is that how to get back to the glorious days of Abubakar 'Dangiwa' Umar, Ahmed Makarfi and Patrick Yakowa when Kaduna state was presided over by men of substance and character.

    Is that the way to get back to the days when Kaduna state was blessed with kind and compassiomate governors who were balanced, mature, sensitive, caring, gentle, cosmopolitan, inclusive and fair to all regardless of faith, tribe or ethnic nationality?

    Is that how to get back to the peaceful days of Kaduna when those of us that play polo used to look forward to going there to play a few chukkas at the annual Kaduna Polo tournament?

    Is that how to get back to the days when Kaduna was one of the best places to live in or visit in the country?

    I doubt it very much. The truth is that nothing could be more insensitive, irresponsible, callous and utterly absurd than the dwarf's counsel and suggestion.

    If that is the kind of advice that the midget has been getting from his aides and advisors ever since he was elected as governor one needs to look no further to know why he has failed so woefully.

    Under his watch Kaduna state has become more divided than it has ever been in its entire history and the pungent smell and rotten stench of fresh human blood and fly-infested bloated corpses fills the air.

    That is the shameful legacy that the midget and his dwarf are desperately trying to white-wash and defend.

    Instead of going on their knees and begging God, the Christian community, the Shiite Muslims and the Nigerian people for forgiveness for what can, at best, be described as their irresponsible, incompetent and criminally negligent behaviour and, at worse, their willfull and premeditated attempt to wipe out, exterminate and cleanse the land of the entire Christian community and every ethnic and religious minority group in Southern Kaduna and Zaria, they are throwing bricks at their perceived enemies and flying into childish tantrums.

    The dwarf spoke of "political jobbers" and "oppprtunists". One wonders just who they are? Again one wonders precisely what the "ongoing efforts to achieve lasting peace in Kaduna" that he mentioned are given the fact that his boss the midget does not appear to give a damn about the fact that thousands of innocent and defenceless people, including women and children, have been butchered during his watch and right under his nose.

    At the end of 2015 over 1000 Shiite Muslims were slaughtered in cold blood and buried in mass graves by the Nigerian Army in Zaria, Kaduna state. Many Shiites have accused the midget of covertly playing a sordid and questionable role in the whole affair and when one hears the facts one cannot blame them.

    For example is it true that it was he that fingered Sheik Ibrahim El Zak Zaky, the Shiite leader, by phoning him and ascertaining his whereabouts for the military before they tracked him down, shelled, shot and murdered hundreds of his people in the sanctity of their homes and proceeded to shoot him and his gentle Yoruba wife in the eye and stomach before whisking them both away.

    Since that time they have kept both husband and wife incommunicado and in detention despite court orders to release them. One wonders what efforts the midget has made to get them out?

    One wonders why he, a Sunni Muslim, hates the Shiite so much? One wonders why he has been tormenting, arresting, persecuting, outlawing, proscribing and locking them up ever since their leaders arrest even though they have never sought to harm or attack anyone?

    Another example of the sheer depravity of this man was provided approximately one month ago over the Christmas holiday.

    On Christmas eve and Christmas day alone, according to the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), no less that 808 Christians were killed by the midget's friends and brothers, the Fulani militia (aka herdsmen), in Southern Kaduna.

    The midget and his government provided security and enforced a curfew in the Muslim areas of the state but they refused to do the same for Southern Kaduna which is Christian. Consequently the Fulani militia not only struck but they struck very hard indeed leaving nothing but death and destruction in their path.

    Evidently the Chief Midget and his government are more interested in insulting, undermining, discrediting and threatening with arrest its critics and those that have expressed outrage about what the people of Southern Kaduna have been subjected to under his watch than in protecting and saving innocent Christian lives.

    One wonders why he hates Christians so much to the extent that the only hospital in the relevant Christian community was shut down by his government on the days that the attacks took place in order to ensure that the wounded could not be treated and that as many  Christians suffered casualties and died as possible.

    Is the midget not vicariously liable and criminally culpable for those deaths even if he did not take part in the attacks himself? What is the source of and reason for his hatred for our Christian brothers and sisters? Are they not human beings as well? Are they not worthy of life? Do they not deserve to be protected?

    These questions must be answered whether they like it or not. Yet instead of doing so they are spewing out more and more garbage by the day.

    For example in his essay the midget's dwarf went even further by saying that "a Yoruba ex- Minister who should know better" and who is "being sponsored" held a series of meetings in his Abuja home with various delegations from Southern Kaduna where they planned how to effect "a violent attack on others" in Kaduna state.

    Though he did not have the courage to mention the name of that Yoruba ex-Minister it is obvious that the dwarf was referring to yours truly.

    As a rule I do not respond to hired help and the aides of public office holders no matter how short they are because they are too small for me. This is especially so when they are stunted not just in physical growth but also in mental capacity.

    When the midget himself dares to open his mouth and talk rubbish I will give him the full measure of my pen and tongue but I cannot bring myself to the very low level of joining issues with a frustrated dwarf or any of the other hired guns of an embittered and drowning midget.

    What I will say to the dwarf however is this. If it was me that he was accusing of having meetings in my Abuja home with various delegations from Southern Kaduna he is absolutely right.

    I have many friends in and from Southern Kaduna from both the Shiite Muslim and Christian community who deemed it necessary to pay me a visit in Abuja over the Christmas holidays and tell me about the genocide that they were being subjected to by the Fulani Janjaweed terrorists and military forces, with the full support and knowledge of the midget-in-chief.

    I was proud to host them and I will continue to do so whether the little dwarf and his paymaster likes it or not.

    I should also mention the fact that at no time did I discuss any violent attack on the Fulani or anyone else in Kaduna state with any of them though I told them plainly that if the government failed in its duty to protect them they must go ahead and defend themselves.

    That is my view and it will always be my view and I will continue to share it with whoever I deem fit.

    For this counsel I have no apology. If it gives the midget governnor and his little dwarf sleepless nights that the people of Southern Kaduna will no longer sit back and allow their loved ones to be slaughtered by their Fulani friends and kinsmen that is their problem. For all I care they can go and hug a transformer or jump in the lagoon. (TO BE CONTINUED).
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