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    O Ye Pastors by Agboola Moyinoluwa

    You live in luxury
    Members live in penury
    You fly on private jet
    Members have not eaten yet
    You use the best cars
    You fly in first class
    Some members fly economy
    While you travel with convoy on your journey

    Why can't you walk on the street like Jesus?
    Is there a secret cutting your liver like scissors?
    Why do you go around with escort?
    Are these what our Lord Jesus taught?
    Some members can't avoid a bicycle or Volkswagen
    While some of you make tithe and offering your profit margin
    Some of you lie more than the devil
    Just because you want to reach the next level

    The true ones are few, they are less than eleven
    You don't even teach us how to get to heaven
    I sighed with relief and relax
    When churches were told to pay tax
    Cos they make more money than many companies
    If I'm lying somebody tell me please
    All of you attended schools by missionaries
    With free notebooks, textbooks and dictionaries

    Now, you build universities in the name of the church
    Claiming that you have many lives to touch
    You demand a very high school tuition
    From students of your own institutions
    Their fees you are still planning to increase
    And I ask myself, why all these?
    Schools built from church members sweat
    Have become your pot of wealth

    The so called schools are full of social vices
    Your half baked graduates can't win national prizes
    They end up adding value to unemployment
    Yet, you see it as pleasure and enjoyment
    Why can't you establish companies like Dangote
    And everybody will hail you Nagode
    At Least you will build a labour force
    Where you will employ some of us.

    Written by Agboola Moyinoluwa
    Twitter @dopewrita

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    1. Mr writer, what do you think you are writing ? Is it your money they are giving their pastors? What about pastor that did not have a bicycle talkless of a car, do you want all of them to be poor?

      Do you know how much they give out too ? So think twice...


    Item Reviewed: O Ye Pastors by Agboola Moyinoluwa Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Blessing
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