
Revealed: How Jihadists Are Using Snapchat To Get Around Twitter And Facebook Ban

Jihadists are now using Snapchat to spread propaganda after being banned from Twitter and Facebook.

The mobile app, which is used by Western schoolchildren to send selfies, is the latest method Al-Qaeda-linked jihadists in Syria are using to document their life in the warzone.

Accounts regularly post images of heavy artillery and AK47's, as well as the more banal aspects of life inside the war-ravaged country such as their dinner.

Last week Twitter claimed to have closed 360,000 ISIS linked accounts and Facebook attempted to close down pages used by jihadists for recruitment and even to sell weapons.

With their social media accounts being shut down, fighters have switched to communicating via more advanced and encrypted applications such as WhatsApp and Telegram.

However Snapchat represents a break away from that trend as it is a more accessible app overwhelmingly used by teenagers.

One account bears the name Harithah, named after a notorious military commander who was a companion of the profit Mohammed, whilst another is named after Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, the spiritual founder of Saudi Arabia's notoriously strict brand of Islam.
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