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    Meet The Woman Who Allows Her Husband To Sleep With Other Men [Photos]

    A WOMAN who stood by her husband after he admitted having sex with men behind her back now has THREESOMES with him and other guys and insists her marriage is better than ever.

    Lianna Walden, 52, has been married to Mark, 54, for 22 years.

    He broke the news he’d been cheating with men when they were on holiday eight years ago, and although initially she was devastated Lianna soon realised she could play things to her advantage.

    “Mark told me he had been sleeping with other blokes and was bisexual.

    “I was devastated but I didn’t want to be like my sister or friends and get a divorce because I still loved Mark.

    “I did go into shock. It was devastating at first.

    “I wasn’t as upset about him fooling around as I was about him lying to me.

    “I was feeling jealous that he had started experimenting. I didn’t want the same relationship any more.

    “I said, if you’re going to do that then I would like to experiment, too.

    This was when Lianna decided the pair, who have two children, should have an open relationship.

    Lianna Walden and husband Mark

    “Mark could see his male friends and I could have flings with other people as well,” she said.

    “We’d also indulge in threesomes as part of a shared experience.

    “We’d put aside time to be together and time to play away.

    “We really wanted to be together but free each other to do what we wanted to do sexually.”

    After deciding this was the way forward, the pair spent two weeks having wild sex together.

    Lianna, a sexual and relationship coach and sexual energy healer, believes making the decision allowed them to be more free with each other.

    Then came the hard part – the couple had to tell their kids.

    Lianna Walden and husband Mark
    The couple, pictured with their children, now have a healthy sex life together
    “They were then 13 and 14 and we told each other about potential new partners in the bedroom,” she said.

    “They took the news pretty well. There were questions.

    “I think they thought we were going through some ‘50-something phase’ but they accepted we made a responsible informed decision that works for us as a couple.”

    These days the pair share a bedroom, raise their kids together and have a healthy sex life.

    When they aren’t together, Lianna sleeps with other men and goes on dates, but she’s always honest about her home life.

    Mark has sex with guys and he’s tried it on with women, but he’s never slept with one. Lianna is happy about that, as she thinks it would be harder for her to accept.

    The couple also experiment together.

    “The first time it was me, Mark and another guy it was terrifying,” she said.

    “We went through it and I was like, ‘Oh my god, why didn’t we do this before?'”

    Lianna has a ‘friends with benefits’ relationship with one man, who has also enjoyed bedroom sessions with the couple together.

    She developed a bond with this guy, with the relationship becoming almost polyamorous – where there is more than two people in a relationship.

    Talking is key, so Lianna and Mark always try to discuss their relationship.

    “I have a lot of jealousy but I’ve been working on letting it go,” she added.

    “Us coming out – that we too have gone through infidelity and found a solution that’s brought us closer together to a fun, exciting, rejuvenating place – it’s difficult to criticise.

    “I never imagined my sex life would become so exciting and ground breaking in my 40s and 50s. Just remember sit, talk set the rules and stick to them.”
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