A 30-year-old man in Thailand was highly embarrassed and in pain after doctors spent three hours trying to remove a make-shift sex aid that got stuck on his p*nis.
According to Mirror UK, the unidentified man was rushed to the hospital after a metal cock ring got stuck to his privates while he was having a kinky time at home. An ambulance reported to the scene after the man called them and immediately rushed him to the nearest hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.
The doctors firstly used lubrication to try and slide the ring off but it was still stuck. They eventually had to resort to using bolt-cutters and a hacksaw to cut off the small sex ring used by men who wish to maintain erections.
The man was reportedly the laughing stock of the nurses and doctors and nurses who operated on him.
“He was very sore afterwards and a bit embarrassed but thankful to still be able to use his penis properly” one of the doctors.
Luckily for him, he suffered no injuries and he was able to go home with his joystick still functional.
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